Janet Ikua Kanini is popularly known for her N-Soko Property Show, that airs on NTV. However the attractive lass recently suffered a threatening heart condition that saw her get admitted at the High Dependency Unit on June 15th.
But she recently announced that her heart condition had taken a positive turn after undergoing a small medical procedure to sieve the blood clot in her heart. Through her Facebook page, Janet wrote to say
I hope you all had a blessed weekend!
First of all, I appreciate the numerous messages from those of you who have or had blood clots, Deep Vein Thrombosis or any medical reason that put you or a loved one in hospital, especially in the Intensive Care Unit or High Dependency Unit like I was in. I will find time to respond to each one of you – my kids don’t like me and hubby diverting our attention to mobiles and other gadgets so we give them full attention whenever possible – which by the way I advise you to do. As I’ve learnt, some conditions can threaten to take away your life in an instant – you don’t want your last thought to be of how you told off your kids coz you were reading WhatsApp messages…..?!Even as I wait to respond to each of you, I want to write something for you all to read today. In as much as you say that I have exhibited courage through this, I want to categorically start this off by saying “To God be the Glory!” A wonderful new friend and prayer partner of mine called Ruth reminded me that I have a right to stand on the promises that He has already made in His word, and I repeated them back to Him and told Him. “You promised me a future and hope! I have plans and you know that they are for good, not immoral or unethical, plans that will help a lot of people!” (Based on Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”)
Seeing death all around me, never knowing when my heart and pulmonary artery blood clots could decide to end me, filled me with anxiety and confusion. My best weapon was to speak out this verse aloud – Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made
known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
I reached a point where only divine intervention would help slow down my heart that was already racing too fast because of the clot. I would look at the bright green heart rate number on the EKG machine and tell it “Slow down. Come on Janee. Mind over matter. This too shall pass.”It is not easy to make people who are not in your position understand what goes through your mind. It’s tempting to lock your fears away inside and deal with them by yourself as you try to understand what is happening to you. But my dear girls pals made it clear that they are not leaving me alone! Even now I am banned from worrying about shopping- they tell me to sms if an egg is missing and it will be delivered home somehow. They have my nanny’s number and she is to call in case of anything. My focus must be on getting better and spending quality time with my family. Coincidentally, the first verse I opened my Bible to this morning is Proverbs 17:17 “Friends always show their love. What are brothers for if not to share trouble?” Be honest with your loved ones. If they are meant to be in your life they will stay and comfort you. If they were never meant to help your life, this will be a quick process of elimination – which is a good thing!As I write this I know that there are people who don’t believe in God or have been disappointed in the past when their prayers weren’t answered. For the first lot, let me use the book The Secret as reference. It implies that whatever energy you send out to the universe, the universe multiplies and gives back to you. Negative begets negative, positive begets positive. So, fill your mind with positive thoughts about how you’re going to beat this sickness, how you’re going to be up and about asap! I have heard of people beating cancer by simply telling themselves daily that they’re well. It takes an immense amount of willpower and if the theory that humans use only 10% of their brains is true, well, it means that you have a huge 90% to focus on getting healed. However I must add here that after I read The Secret, it occurred to me that God can be represented by the universe which you believe in. If you tell God your intentions, continuously, faithfully, He will grant you the desires of your heart. Besides, He created the universe….. Ephesians 3:20-21
Though the procedure sounds scary, the mother of two seems to be handling it very well. Her current posts on her social media pages are a clear indication that her recovery is just a step away.“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”7 years ago my father the late Dr. Peter Muli Muiva passed away from cancer. I prayed a lot, I told him to stay alive until my wedding because I refused to have an uncle walk me down the aisle. He stayed, ‘walked’ me down the aisle in a wheelchair with oxygen tank. I was so happy to have him there. Two weeks later he died. My faith died with him. For almost a year I didn’t step into a church. My prayers were more accusations asking God why He took him away, why couldn’t he stay till he had seen his future grandchildren. Eventually I realized that God gave us my wedding day, as I had desired, and that my father was no longer in pain. It’s still difficult to understand because I had hoped for complete healing. God’s ways are mysterious. My Mum, sisters and I got closer, and we are driven to live his legacy because it is a great one. Hubby George Ikua and I have a plan regarding this- one day God-willing you will witness it. My point to this is that, those of you who have believed before and not gotten what you asked for, pray pray and pray some more. The enemy loves those little openings of doubt once we start thinking of God. The enemy will get into that opening and fill it with so much negativity and fear that it will become a mountain that looks too big to surmount! John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” But guess what! Jesus talked about this mountain! Matthew 17:20 “He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”2 weeks ago I was suddenly hospitalized. I felt so small, admitting to God that my faith was merely the size of a mustard seed, but that He promised He could work wonders with it! And I waited on that wonder, and it came. And now I speak out loud to my body (again a tip from dear Ruth), telling it that any sickness which is threatening to steal my time and joy has no place in me! Get out! I am a Princess and child of the Most High God and I really don’t have time to waste – there’s too much to be done!I hope that I have encouraged especially those of you who are unwell. It is okay to feel weak, confused, scared. But learn the Word because as soon as those feelings and thoughts check in, you must speak them away! Take one day at a time. Write down your bucket list of things you still want to accomplish, places you want to go, the man / woman you hope to marry, the nyam chom you’ve been longing to taste at that ka-joint. This will inspire you to take another step, face another day.Have an inspired Monday
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